AI Μεταφραστής υποτίτλων
Powered by the world's best neural network

Μετάφραση αρχείων υποτίτλων με μηχανική μάθηση. Με το καλύτερο νευρωνικό δίκτυο για μεταφράσεις.

Accepted file formats: .srt, .vtt, .sbv, .csv, Avid DS SubCap .txt
Select up to 15 files or one .zip archive with more files.
Source Language
Target Language
Preview Image

What file formats can be uploaded?

srtSRT - SubRip (.srt)

ssbvSBV - YouTube / SubViewer (.sbv)

vttVTT - Web Video Text (.vtt)

csvCSV - Comma-separated values (.csv)

If you need another format, you can use our free Subtitle Tool to convert subtitles into a supported on.

What languages are supported?

Arabic / اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ

Bulgarian / Български език

Chinese / 汉语

Czech / Česky

Danish / Dansk

Dutch / Nederlands

English (British)

English (American)

English (unspecified variant)

Estonian / Eesti keel

Finnish / Suomi

French / Français

German / Deutsch

Greek / ελληνικά

Hungarian / Magyar nyelv

Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia

Italian / Italiano

Japanese / 日本語

Korean / 한국어

Latvian / Lettish / Latviešu

Lithuanian / Lietuviškas

Norwegian / Bokmål

Polish / Polski

Portuguese / Português

Portuguese Brazilian / Português Brasil

Romanian / Românesc

Russian / Русский

Slovak / Slovenčina

Swedish / Svenska

Spanish / Español

Turkish / Türkçe

Ukrainian / Українська

What languages support formalities?







Portuguese (Brazilian)




What are the different modes for translating?

Mode 1: Translate each subtitle separately
This mode translates each subtitle individually and is useful for translating subtitles with music lyrics, for example, when each subtitle needs to be translated separately.

Mode 2: Advanced Cross-Subtitle Translation
This mode combines multiple subtitles and translates them as one text section. Then the translated text section is divided into the individual subtitles.

Both translation modes use the DeepL algorithm.

Bulk processing is cheaper, faster and easier.

To calculate the translation price of one or more files, you can select up to 15 files or create a zip archive of your subtitle files and upload them all at once. Bulk processing also allows you to translate into multiple languages at once. A zip archive can contain up to 1000 subtitles.

Password protection for file exports

If your files contain sensitive information or you just want to add an extra layer of security, you can enable password protection under "more options".


This is a premium tool that uses an advanced AI algorithm to produce high-quality subtitle translation results. Because of this, we are not able to offer the tool for free, but we only charge according to actual usage and try to make this service as cheap as possible without compromising the quality of the tool.

For every 800 characters to be translated, we charge 1 AI credit, which is about $0.08. For example, an average 30-minute TV series with 15,000 to 20,000 characters is equivalent to about 30-40 AI credits.

To better predict the actual price of your project, you can upload your files to see the cost. We recommend that you use this tool as a registered user to have more control over your translations. You can create an account for free. New users will receive some free AI Credits after registering for their first project.

How much does the translation cost?

To calculate the total price, select your subtitle file and the number of languages to be translated. Remember that batch processing can be even cheaper and parts that have already been translated will not be charged. We also offer discounts for large volumes.

Number of languages

How long does a translation take?

The duration depends on the number of subtitles. This can be as short as a few seconds to as long as 1 to 2 minutes.

Advanced Functions

Use the "Keep original text" option to compare the translation within a subtitle. When translating a CSV file, the translation is written in a separate column.

What else should I know?

The translation may be out of context or contain grammatical errors. Subsequently, the subtitles should be checked again by a professional if they are to be used for a production workflow. We also recommend that you check the subtitles' durations again afterwards, using our Subtitle Tool.

Συχνές ερωτήσεις

Όχι. Τα αρχεία επεξεργάζονται απευθείας και δεν αποθηκεύονται στον διακομιστή.

Τα παραγόμενα αρχεία παραμένουν διαθέσιμα για μία ώρα το πολύ.

Απολύτως, απλά γράψτε μας ένα μήνυμα
